Frankia Platin Pure I 7400 Plus 2024
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2024 model


Manufacturer Frankia
Class A-Class
Base Vehicle Mercedes Sprinter
Range Platin
Model Year 2024
Price From (£) 171,400
Engine Power (bhp) 190
Maximum Weight (kg) 5,500
Payload (kg) 1179
Length (m) 7.76
Width (m) 2.30
Height (m) 3.09
Berths 2
Belted Seats 2
Beds SP
Main Layout Rear Lounge
Separate Shower Yes
Space/Water Heater SW
Fresh Water (litres) 150
Waste Water (litres) 130
Hob (no. rings) 2
Cooker OG
Fridge Size (litres) 130
What Motorhome Test Date 01/05/2024 14:32:00
Fuel Diesel
Steering Position Right Hand

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